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Debian Os Freelancers

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Hire Debian Os Freelancers and Experts

Find & Hire Debian OS who are professionals offering their expertise in various Freelance Debian OS Services to businesses around the world. Truelancer is home to a large pool of talented and experienced Debian OS freelancers who can help businesses with professional Debian OS services. Freelance Debian OS services are quite affordable on our platform compared to hiring full-time employees.

Truelancer.com provides all types of Freelance Debian OS with a range of skilled and talented freelancers . We offer the opportunity to save 50% of your business cost by hiring Debian OS freelancers.

Expert Debian OS freelancers for hire are skilled in using the latest Debian OS tools and techniques to deliver effective results for their clients for anytype of Debian OS jobs . With the help of Debian OS freelancers , businesses can get their work done quickly. Using Truelancer.com is 100% safe as the money is released to the freelancers after you are 100% satisfied with the work.


Only Pro Freelancers



Kamaldeep Singh Kahlon-Freelancer in Mohali,India

India Mohali, India

Server & Linux Admin | AWS/GCP | WHM/Plesk | Virtualization Expert

18 Years experience as Linux/Unix Admin, System/Storage/Server Admin, Virtualization Expert => Install and troubleshoot anything on Linux/Unix, Windows => Cen...

$ 39/hr

10+ projects delivered

Asme Azam Romel-Freelancer in Dhaka,Bangladesh

India Dhaka, Bangladesh

Cloud Server Administrator Developer

I have professional experience in Cloud server environment. Such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, Linode, Vultr etc. I can deploy th...

$ 30/hr

2 projects delivered

D Pandya-Freelancer in Rajkot,India

India Rajkot, India

GNU/Linux User, Expert in office suit applications

Education in Mechanical Engineering. Computing with Debian GNU/Linux. Good command over office suit applications and fair typing speed.

$ 2/hr

Krayem Afif-Freelancer in Tunis,Tunisia

India Tunis, Tunisia

Symfony Back end developer

My name is Afif, i am 30 years old and i am from Tunisia. I am working actually as a symfony back end developer and team lead in a Tunisian IT company. I am doi...

$ 7/hr

Thulasiraja M-Freelancer in Chennai,India

India Chennai, India

Linux admin

I have been working as Linux System Administrator for 8 years and mostly working with flavors such as Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS and Redhat. good exposure in troubl...

$ 1/hr

Bob Tool-Freelancer in ,USA

India , USA

Ahmed Sillah El

My name Ahmed Sillah el and i like to code website

$ 15/hr

Chunhui Ouyang-Freelancer in Foshang,China

India Foshang, China

Linux | DevOps | C/C++ | System Administrator

I am a seasoned Linux System Administrator and DevOps Engineer specializing in meticulous and reliable operation and maintenance. My extensive experience spans...

$ 35/hr

Eugenio Sansone-Freelancer in Caracas,Venezuela

Associate Professor, Fluid Mechanic, Central University of Venezuela.

Associate Professor. Mechanical Engineer. Fluid Mechanics. C/C++ / FORTRAN95. Developer. Experience on programming the Navier-Stokes equations based on LES sche...

$ 20/hr

2 projects delivered

Harun Or Rashid-Freelancer in COXSBAZAR,Bangladesh

Professional WordPress Developer and Computer Technician

Hey, Welcome to my profile. Im Khurshed Alam. Ive well experienced WordPress Developer And Computer Technician Ive also been able to repair your Computers inter...

$ 5/hr

James Kiarie-Freelancer in Nairobi,Kenya

India Nairobi, Kenya

Experienced Linux Technical writer for high traffic Linux blogs

Hello World! This is James, an accomplished Linux freelance article writer, and researcher with six years of experience in churning high quality work. I take pr...

$ 15/hr

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